How does this make you feel? Let us know. . .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Privatization Beast: Libraries

This is a video in which "privatization" is portrayed as a beast to libraries. According to this video, the privatization of the library will result in a commercialized library. There will be gift shops and Starbucks inside the library if they are privatized. We must sign the petition in the link above to stop this from happening.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Round Two of USA PATRIOT Act Voting

On February 8, the House didn't get enough votes to extend the sunsetting provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act, which include the so-called "library provisions." There's another vote scheduled for tonight, and this one is just a simple majority vote, making it more likely to succeed. To read more about it and to take action (you can also see how your representative voted last time), see the ACLU's blog:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I posted the picture of the solider holding books. I should have mentioned that a while ago. I hope it creates a buzz :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Title Template Change

Hello everyone,

Now, as an administrator, I have changed the font and color of our group name. I hope you like it.

- Ratna

Protests Against Privatization

There is strong growing resistance to the notion of privatizing public libraries. Here is a group of protesters against the privatization of public libraries organized in front of a library. Their arguments are presented on their signs as "Don't privatize knowledge" and "Keep our libraries public and local". There are many reasons why public libraries should be kept public. One of those reasons is that privatization may lead to corruption.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hungry Blonde

Template Change

I've changed the color of our navigation bar at the top of our blog from blue to silver.

Privatization of Public Libraries

Did you know that some public libraries are being taken over by a for-profit corporation? What started as a desperate attempt to save libraries threatened with closure is now being considered as a cost-saving measure for healthy library systems. More often than not, the existing staff is replaced with a cheaper, less educated staff who has no job security and no pension plan. The company, L.S.S.I., runs 14 library systems in 63 locations and, in terms of number of branches, ranks as the 5th largest library system in the United States (NY Times, September 26, 2010).

This trend towards privatization brings up some serious concerns:
Is privatization in the best interests of the patrons?
Would services be drastically cut to save money?
How would a new, less experienced staff affect services?
Would employees feel more loyal to the corporation than to the library itself?
Would libraries be more likely to buy only best sellers or discounted books and thereby limit their selection?

For more information, check out the following websites:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dewey Rap Video

Have you seen this video? Pretty funny.

I don't have access to the template, so I'm adding this blog.

Kathy Tom

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

LT 130 Row 2 Rocks!: OCLC Link

Hello Everyone,

I am adding a link to the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and WorldCat. OCLC or Online Computer Library Center, Inc is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to expanding public access to information and reducing rising library costs. It also serves as a bibliographic utility for libraries to share catalog records. The following is a link to the WorldCat database; it is the Worlds largest online database. It consists of items from collections in 71,000 libraries in aproximately 112 countries world wide.

Enjoy! :)

- Ratna

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Library provision" of the Patriot Act up for Renewal

Surprise! The House announced late in the day on Friday, 2/4, that they'll be voting to renew the expiring sections of the USA PATRIOT Act on Tuesday, 2/8, which include the so-called "library provision." Details can be found on the ACLU's blog:

The ALA's Web site has a wealth of information on how these sections impact libraries: