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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Emerging Library Technologies

Library Express - A stack of metal lockers, set outside of City Hall. Patrons access these digitally locked glove compartment sized lockers to pick-up a book or DVD they ordered a few days prior.
Pros - This system is centrally located and allows pick-up to take place at the patron’s convenience. It requires little to no staff and is relatively maintenance free.
Cons - Lack of need for staff equals less staff!! If patrons have problems or need assistance this system becomes a hindrance instead of a help.
Self-Checkout - A system set into place with self-scanners that allow patrons to check out books or DVD's without the assistance of library staff.
Pros - This system allows patrons to 'help themselves' to book and DVD checkout. Library staff has additional time to dedicate to other areas of education.
Cons - Taking the time to educate patrons and staff alike to use the self-checkout system can become very cost prohibitive.
Online Databases - A way to access a wealth of information from a specific online data base.
Pros - The sky is the limit and the world is at your fingertips with the online data base. This is a great tool for patrons when researching a wide array of information, which can be accessed from home at patrons own pace. Librarian staff can utilize this tool to complete work from home or anywhere. They can create databases that aid in the growth and interest of the library.
Cons - Not a lot of cons here with the idea of the online database itself. I think the biggest con of the online database is the user friendliness of it. Online data bases can be overwhelming visually and become discouraging to the user.

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